Hello everyone,

Welcome to the 2016 baseball season. My name is Jon Sheplee and I will be the head coach for your players 2016 season on the Giants. Make sure to add the NGIN app to your phones so you can receive all the up to date messages sent through the our team website NGIN. Let me know if anyone has trouble loading the app onto their phone. We will use this app for anything related to games or practices being cancelled due to the weather, or any changes of plans. Our assistant coach for this year will be Rob Franck, who will be helping me throughout the season.

Our first team practice will be this Tuesday from 5PM to 6:30PM at the minors field. Rob and I would like to meet with the parents at 6:15PM to intorduce ourselves and talk about the season. Our team practices will be held Tuesday from 5-6:30PM and Wednesdays from 7-8PM until games start. Our schedule is posted onto the NGIN app so when you load that onto your phones, you will see our current practice schedule.

Please let me know that you received this message by sending me an e-mail to jon.sheplee@yahoo.com.

Have a great rest of your Sunday everyone!

Coach Jon Sheplee